Friday, October 23, 2015

Bouncing Ball

What I learned
I learned that it is possible to make animations on photoshop. I tool I used and learned how to use was the timeline tool. I also learned that the frames you made can be used as an animation.

Principles of Animation
The animation I made is and example of the Squash and Stretch and Ease In and Ease Out which are principles of animation. Squash and Stretch are when the ball hits the ground and is not a perfect sphere any more. The Ease In and Ease Out part of the animation is when the ball is in the air and it doesn't form a perfect sphere.

Other Examples of Squash and Stretch

The picture represents squash and stretch and ease in and ease out because the way the ball is formed throughout the bounces. As the ball is going towards the ground it speeds up so the shape of the ball changes. When the ball hits the ground the ball compresses and then springs back up into it's normal shape when it leaves the ground.

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