Tuesday, October 6, 2015

My Photoshop Projects

The first project I did was figuring out how to make different layers. The first layer I used was  a picture of Olathe Northwest,  the next layer is a compass of Northwest, the last layer I used was text that I put over both pictures.

The second project was the butterfly project. I had to adjust the hues and then it modified the colors to make them bright. Then to get the effect on the wings I used the clone stamp to ad onto the wings to make it appear as if it is fluttering.

The third project was the Northwest gradient project. I started with a picture of Olathe Northwest and then I put a text mask over the picture to make the words. The last step was to make the gradient then the gradient went behind the words and in front of the picture.

The last project was the hardest because it had so many steps. The first thing I did was get rid of the cars and lamp posts in the picture of the building. Then I used the magnetic lasso to cut out the picture of the raven, then I got the pictures of the inside of the building and cropped them a little bit. I changed the transparency on the pictures so The background could be seen through.

Photoshop and illustrator are different because in photoshop the deselection key is Command-D but in illustrator the keyboard shortcut is Command-Shift-A. In photoshop the way to make your brush sizes bigger is to hit the brackets but you can not do that in illustrator.

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