Tuesday, October 13, 2015

"They loved your GPA, then they saw your Tweets" Article

In the article it talked about how colleges look at applicants socials media sites to check for negativity. When they follow the person and look at their account and they find bad things then that decreases their chance of acceptance. They do not tell the person that they are looking at their accounts and they person doesn't know because they sometimes make fake accounts.

What Things Surprised Me
Some things that surprised me in the article was that colleges look at your social media sites, I didn't know that they checked those when you apply. Another thing that surprised me was that 30% of the admission officers said that they found things that hurt the applicants. I also found out that the admission officers were young and know how to use technology. I thought that they were older and didn't know how to use technology.

What Things Confused Me
Some things that confused me in the article was some words that i didn't know like "meticulously" and "scuttled". Another thing that confused me was how do they know that they found the right person's account. If they found a person with the same name how do they know it's the right person.

After I read the article and looked back at my social media sites I decided I would watch what I say. Since they can look back at your accounts and check them, I will be careful of what I say and how I say it.

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