I took the Meyer-Briggs personality type test and my results were ESFJ. ESFJ stands for Extrovert, Sensing, Feeling, and Judging. I had a 72% preference for extrovert which means I am outgoing and sociable person. I was also 25% Sensing which means I have to see things before I believe it. I had a 45% preference for feeling over thinking. Feeling means I use my emotions when I make decisions. I was also 6% Judging which means I use evidence to help make decisions. A famous person that share my personality type is Hugh Jackman who has a role in the X-Men movies, Woody Harrelson also has the same personality. Woody Harrelson has a role in the Hunger Game Movies.
How Accurate
My test was actually really accurate. The part about the extrovert was right on because I usually fill my entire weekend so I can be around people. The only time I spend alone is usually when I watch Netflix upstairs on my laptop. There are not really any parts about the ESFJ personality that are not right, all of them match who I am. The test has showed me why I gravitate towards more out-going and happy people. Most of the friends I have are probably Extroverts as well.
When I have to work in teams I usually get the role of the project creator. I usually get to do all the display work while the other people do the research. When my role matches with my type I get the job done well and nicely and I am satisfied with my work. When my role doesn't match up with my personality it usually takes me longer to complete my part and I usually procrastinate. Some people don't understand why I act different around my different friends because some of my friends are extroverts while others are introverts.
What I learned
What I learned from taking the test and writing/researching my type is why I tend to act certain ways. I learned why I act different around different people. I usually act different with my introvert friends then I do with my extrovert friends. I also learned I am a otter. An otter is around people all the time and is rarely alone.