Sunday, October 30, 2016

ONW Feature Story

The project I have been working on in video was a feature story. We had to find someone to interview and create a story about them, I did my feature story about my friends grandparents Denny and Judy Briley. I interviewed them about a medical mission trip in Guatemala that they participated in.

To start off the project I started by writing out my 21 questions to ask them. I decided on asking them things like what is a medical missions trip, what was your role on the trip, what was your favorite part, and why did you want to go. Once all my questions were written out I asked them for any background information that I might need for the project and they gave me the blogs for the trips and I read through both and edited my questions based off the blog. After I had read the blogs I then talked to them about when a good time to interview them was.

When I started filming the video I started by having them sit in their living room on the couch and I talked them through how the interview was going to happen. When I started the interview I had my mom help me and hold the camera so I could sit to the side and have them watch me instead of the camera. After I asked all my questions I started to brainstorm how to get B-Roll. I decided that I was going to do basic shots like hands of a keyboard, a tack in the location that they went on a map, and a over the shoulder of a Judy sitting at a computer.

When I got to school on Monday I started the editing process, I downloaded everything and began creating sound bites of the interview. Once I finished that I started to write out my voice overs and then filmed them. Then I started to piece everything together and I used screenshots of the pictures that were taken on the trip and then posted on the blog to put as extra B-Roll on my video.

Overall I think I did okay on this project and if I had more time I would have found more creative ways to get more B-Roll and the other thing I would change is the speed that I talk in during my voice overs. I have learned throughout the last project and this one that I am a very fast talker and that I need to learn how to slow down. The part that I would not change if I went back would be my interview, I really liked how it turned out with the lighting.

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