Sunday, October 30, 2016

ONW Feature Story

The project I have been working on in video was a feature story. We had to find someone to interview and create a story about them, I did my feature story about my friends grandparents Denny and Judy Briley. I interviewed them about a medical mission trip in Guatemala that they participated in.

To start off the project I started by writing out my 21 questions to ask them. I decided on asking them things like what is a medical missions trip, what was your role on the trip, what was your favorite part, and why did you want to go. Once all my questions were written out I asked them for any background information that I might need for the project and they gave me the blogs for the trips and I read through both and edited my questions based off the blog. After I had read the blogs I then talked to them about when a good time to interview them was.

When I started filming the video I started by having them sit in their living room on the couch and I talked them through how the interview was going to happen. When I started the interview I had my mom help me and hold the camera so I could sit to the side and have them watch me instead of the camera. After I asked all my questions I started to brainstorm how to get B-Roll. I decided that I was going to do basic shots like hands of a keyboard, a tack in the location that they went on a map, and a over the shoulder of a Judy sitting at a computer.

When I got to school on Monday I started the editing process, I downloaded everything and began creating sound bites of the interview. Once I finished that I started to write out my voice overs and then filmed them. Then I started to piece everything together and I used screenshots of the pictures that were taken on the trip and then posted on the blog to put as extra B-Roll on my video.

Overall I think I did okay on this project and if I had more time I would have found more creative ways to get more B-Roll and the other thing I would change is the speed that I talk in during my voice overs. I have learned throughout the last project and this one that I am a very fast talker and that I need to learn how to slow down. The part that I would not change if I went back would be my interview, I really liked how it turned out with the lighting.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Vectored Image

The second project we did in graphic design was to create a vectored image of yourself based off of a headshot we had taken. I used to pen tool to outline and trace most of my face and shirt while I used the brush tool to do my hair. I also used the eyedropper tool to get close to the colors that I would need to have realistic shades of color for my skin, hair, and clothes.

Fall Raccoon and Postcard

The goal of the next graphic design project was to create a raccoon and make both a fall scene and a postcard. I started out by creating the raccoon and placing it onto a solid colored background. The next step in the project was to begin creating leaves and foliage to put into the fall scene. I created different types of leaves, acorns, and branches. Once everything was done I began to add them altogether to make the fall scene. I decided to have the raccoon the main focus point by having him on a pile of leaves with the foliage I created behind it.

Once I finished the fall scene I had to make a postcard and somehow incorporate my raccoon in it. I decided that I wanted the theme of my postcard to be a Christmas card. I started out by creating the tree and ornaments with the presents, then I made the fireplace and stockings, and then I created the santa hat for my raccoon. The last thing I added on the postcard was my handwritten typography, I wrote it out on paper and then scanned it in on the computer. Once the front was done I added the presents and type onto the template of the back of the postcard. 

Friday, October 7, 2016

ONW 1 in 2,000 an Audio Interview

The assignment was to interview someone about something interesting about them, so for my project I interviewed CJ about the high school football team. The project guidelines were that it had to be an audio file, it had to be 60-90 seconds long, and it had to have sound bites and voice overs in it.

Pre- Production:
To start the process to create our interview we started by getting to know them. While getting to know them we had to find out something interesting about them and pick what the focus of our interview was going to be. CJ was my partner and while I was talking to him about what he liked to do I found out that he was on the high school football team and he really enjoyed playing. After we had picked what we were going to interview our partners about we had to write out our 21 questions. The layout of the 21 questions is:
  • 1: Asking their name and how to spell it
  • 2-4: Background questions
  • 5-8: Who, What, Where, and When questions
  • 9-18: How and Why questions, asking them to describe and explain things
  • 19-20: Greatest hope and fear
  • 21: Asking if there is anything they want to add
After all the questions were written we started production by filming our partner and asking them our questions. We had to take them to a place that is part of their story and since I was interviewing CJ about the football team I took him outside and onto the football field to interview him. Once I had the video I went back inside to start the editing process.

Post- Production:
Once I was inside and had uploaded all my videos I started to edit them. In the video I found the answers to the questions I had asked and I saved them as sound bites to use in the final audio file. After I found and saved my soundbites I started to write my script for the voice overs. When writing my script I kept that we had to do more talking than our partner in the video in my mind. After writing my script I filmed my voice overs and inserted them into my video.

As I made the video I learned about editing audio and how it is harder than it looks. The other thing I learned was how to correctly film a interview and once it was imported only use the sound and not the video part. I also learned collaboration because I had to work with my partner so I could interview him. If I could go back and change some things I would change the speed that I talked at, I talked really fast and that is not good for interviews. The things that I would do the same would be the transitions between voice overs and sound bites. The experiences that I learned this time and that I can use next time is how to set up an interview starting with the 21 questions and then asking them in one long video. Overall I learned a lot about interviewing someone and editing audio that I will use in later video projects.