Tuesday, September 6, 2016

ONW Procedure Video

The assignment for our video class was to create a video of an ONW procedure with a partner. We got large amounts of information crucial to our video so we started by taking notes. Our video guidelines were that the video had to be 30 seconds long, no voice overs, and have minimal talking. The video also had to incorporate all of the six shots: extreme close-up, close-up, wide, extreme wide, over the shoulder, and medium. The next part of the process to create the video was mapping it out on story boards. When we started to do the storyboards we drew the scenes that we were going to film onto the storyboard and underneath we also wrote what type of shot that it was going to be. The reason that we all wrote everything on storyboards is so the filming process goes smoother. After we finished out storyboard we checked out out equipment, the equipment we used was a camera and a tripod. Once we had gotten out equipment we headed to the library to start filming. I was the person filming the video while my partner was the one acting in it.

We started with out an extreme wide shot of the library so the viewers know where the video took place.
Our next shot was a wide shot of a girl looking at books. 
We then went from the wide shot to an extreme close-up of the girls hands pulling out a book and opening it. 
After the extreme close-up we changed back to a wide shot of the girl looking satisfied with the book she chose.
Our next shot was a medium of the girl walking around the corner of the bookcase towards the librarians desk so she can check out the book. 

Our last shot in our video was a medium shot of the librarian asking the girl for her ID and it ended with the girl handing her ID to the librarian.

After everything was shot and we were happy with them we imported them onto the computer to start editing, the software we used to edit the clips was Adobe Premier Pro. I named all the clips and started piecing them together and once that was done I added music and exported it onto the computer.

Throughout the process of making our video I learned how to use the cameras and how to adjust settings on them and I also learned how to to use Adobe Premier Pro to edit my video. I also learned more about teamwork while working with a partner because making a video is very hard to do by yourself. Some things I would do different next time is make sure I included a over the shoulder shot and more close ups. I would add those because it is essential to include all the types of shots in your video, and I was missing some shots. Some things I would do the same next time is keep the exposure the same because the shots in the video are correctly white balanced. Experiences from this time that will be important for next time is how to use the cameras and learning how to use Adobe Premier Pro. I enjoyed the project even though my video could use a little bit of work and I enjoyed watching everyone else's videos.

1 comment:

  1. i really like this post. It showed how you enjoyed the project and you were very specific on what you liked and disliked. I think it was a great read and had a welcoming aspect to it.
