Thursday, May 25, 2017

Video Semester Review


Throughout the semester I learned many valuable skills. I learned things that will help me with future video projects. I learned new skills with the technology and how to work with others and many more things. I also learned more about my areas of strength and my areas of weakness. I also learned how to overcome issues within projects. 


I learned many things with the filming equipment and the editing softwares. While we were creating entertainment pieces I got to learn how to use different types of microphones and I also learned more camera techniques. I got to also work more with Premiere Pro. I learned more techniques and how to edit different types of edits. I worked more with adding music and effects to the clips. I added fades and transitions to the video clips and I added music to the audio. Learning all these techniques is very important because when someone needs me to film something for them I will be able to edit it and make it look clean. Some challenges that I faced along the way is that the softwares were very confusing and I had a few issues while filming. One major issue that I had was that while my group was filming our short film we filmed an entire section without sound so we had to problem solve. 


This semester I worked more with groups instead of individually. Starting with the music video I worked in a group of four and I also worked in a larger group when I worked on recreating the Mean Girls movie trailer. I learned many things while working with others. I had to work with people I didn't enjoy working with. While working in groups I learned how to delegate tasks and help people follow through on their parts. Learning how to work in groups and work with people I don't like is important because I will have to work in groups later in my future and in my future job. Some challenges that I faced along the way is working with the same person multiple times in a row, this is a problem because my group member wouldn't follow through on his part of the project. 


While working in the entertainment section of video I learned the right was to communicate with others and I also learned the wrong way to communicate with others. One way that helped me succeed in communicating with my group members was creating a filming schedule. I learned that you have to talk to everyone as a group in person to set up the times when we would film. I also learned that I need to talk to them about each shot and talking to the director to make sure it's what they envisioned. These skills are very important for the future because I will need to communicate with my boss at my future job. Some challenges that I faced along the way is that while we were creating our production schedule for our short film we set the days that we were filming a week in advance and when it came time to show up at the filming location one of my group members didn't show up so we had to work without him. We faced miscommunication because no one knew what the plan was. 

Project Management

Project management this semester was a lot harder than it was last semester. Working on convergence last semester was more individual work than working in groups. Because I was working with other people that means that everything got done at different paces. I had to work with their schedules along with my own and because of that it was harder to edit things in shorter amounts of time. I spent more time coming in before or after school to get everything done and turned in on time. Learning how to work with deadlines is very important because I will need to get things done in different periods of time later in life. One challenge that I faced was working on my recreation of the movie trailer because I was running behind and I came in after school to work many time and I wasn't able to get it done by the time it was due. 


I learned more about how I can be a better leader this semester while working in video. I learned how to be able to take charge and delegate tasks when work isn't getting done. I also learned how to approach someone and talk to them when they haven't done their part of the project.  But not only did I learn how to be a leader I also learned how to be a follower. I was able to learn that I have to let others take charge and I will do what they told me. Learning these leadership skills will probably be one of the most important things that I have learned this year because I will always have to work in groups and sometimes the work isn't getting done and I am now able to approach someone about it and talk to them. I will also have to be able to obey directions and listen to others who are also in my group. I did have to face challenges while trying to be a leader because I didn't want to sound annoying when I brought up the topic of getting the work done on time.

Strengths and Weaknesses

While creating all the projects I learned more about my areas of strength and weakness. Some of my strengths are working hard and collaboration. One goal I had this year was to make every project as good as it could be. I worked hard all year to get projects in on time and edit them to the bet of my abilities. My other strength was collaboration because I tried my best to work with everyone. Even though I had to work with someone I didn't like I still wanted to make the video look as good as possible. 


If I could change anything I want to go back and re-shoot and re-edit my music video. I could have had better shots and I could have created a better production schedule to make the video better. I would then go back and change the way I edited it. I want to make the video better and make it more appealing to watch. 


Overall I learned many useful skills including working with others, working with new technology and learning the softwares, and I also learned how to be a good leader. All the things I learned are all very important because I will be able to use them in my future career and other aspects of my life. I really enjoyed creating all these videos and I feel like I have improved since the beginning of the year.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Graphic Design Semester Reflection


Throughout the year in graphic design I have learned many useful skills that will help me in the real world and in the design world. I learned multiple things in every area of guarantee. I learned technology tips, collaboration tips, communication tips, project management, and leadership skills.


I learned many things with technology. I have gotten much more comfortable with the softwares that I use for graphic design. I am much more fluent in Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop than I was in the beginning of the year. I know the purposes of the tools, how to use them, and when to use them. These new skills are very important because I can take what I learned and use it in future designing and i can also help other people use the softwares if they need help. Along the way I faced many obstacles including forgetfulness. After learning the tool I was very good at using it but when I didn't use it for a while then I forgot how to use it. I was still able to overcome that issue because i was able to go back and look at tutorials that would help me. 


I have worked with people since I was little but I still learned very useful tips this year in graphic design about collaboration. I was able to learn how to give constructive criticism when I was in a critique. This is very helpful because now I know how to make helpful tips during a critique. Along with giving tips I also learned how to accept criticism that I receive from others. I was able to receive criticism from people in my class, my teacher, and upperclassmen who are also in graphic design. Along the way I faced the challenge of giving criticism. Before I didn't know how to suggest helpful tips and it took a lot of practice to tell someone how they could improve their project. 


Throughout the last semester and year I have learned how to work with others and talk to them. I have learned how to ask people for help when I need help or if I want an opinion on my project. These skills are important because with them I have the ability to go to someone and ask for help of ask for something if I need something. Along the way I had to face my fear of asking people I don't know well for something. 

Project Management

With project management I have been able to learn how to successfully meet a deadline. I have been able to use my time wisely and balance different things in order to get everything done. I was able to stay after schools when my project wasn't done so I could get it done and turned in on time. These skills are very important because if I chose to pursue this as a career I will need to be able to get things done in time for the clients. It is very essential that I stay with the schedule so everything is done on time and it is done to the best of my ability. I struggled a lot with project management because I am a perfectionist and I want everything to be as close to perfect as possible. Because I am a perfectionist I had to stay after school a lot to get it all done. The only problem with staying after is that I was a nanny after school so I couldn't stay after everyday so I had to manage my time better in class. 


I learned many necessary leadership skills. I am able to help people with a project that they don't understand. These skills are important because I am able to apply them in my career later in life. I will be able to help others and ask for help if I need it. 

Strengths and Weaknesses

Some of my strengths is that I am hard working. I want to get everything done to the best of my abilities even if I don't like the project. Another strength that I have is that I am very good at collaborating with others. I am good a working by myself or working with others. I am also good with project management. I want to get every project done and turned in on time and make sure that it is done with my best effort. While I have some strengths I also have a few weaknesses. One of my major weaknesses is that I am a perfectionist. I want everything to be perfect and if I don't like it then I will change it until I do. The main issue with this is that I would work for a long time on certain projects and I had to stay after a lot. I have improved greatly this year because while I want everything to look nice and be done to the best of my abilities I am not staying after as much to redo it again. I still need to work on communication skills because I don't like presenting any projects in front of the class. I don't enjoy public speaking and when we had to present our graphic designer history project I really struggled. 

Why This is Useful

All the skills that I learned are all equally important. I will be able to apply those in all areas of my life not just in class. I will be able to use all this information throughout my life. I will be able to fluently use the softwares that I have learned this year. I will also be able to work with others and give constructive criticism. I will also use what I learned about communication in future jobs. I will be able to use project management skills later in life because I will be aware of my deadlines and how much time I need to spend working. I will be able to use my leadership skills also in future jobs and areas of my life. 


If i could change anything I would go back and change all my early projects. Projects like the raccoon were not done very well and I would use all the information that I learned and I would apply it to those projects. I want to change that project because when I completed it I didn't know much about the softwares but now that I'm much more comfortable with them I could make the projects ten times better. 


Overall I learned more this year than I thought I would and I also enjoyed graphic design more than I thought I would. When I started the class I didn't know anything about the design softwares and I didn't know how to use them. But now I am much more fluent in the skills that I learned. I also felt very lost in the beginning of the year because I was behind on everything and i didn't understand but now I understand much more and i am not falling behind.